Anatomy 1 : Digital Sketchbook Entry 2

Defiance of a god

Defiance of a god

Black and White

Black and White



Entry #2: Working vertically presented a new set of challenges that I found both exciting and intimidating. Originally the piece was meant to be a landscape image, but over time I realized that the juxtaposition of two contrasting sizes begged for the composition to be made in a vertical format. I struggled with finding the right imagery to use for the environment far in the background of the piece and I still think this solution wasn't quite the answer. I found difficulty in trying to give enough room for the elements to serve a purpose within the composition.

Overall, the positives I found while working on this piece involve the dynamic established between the two characters. I find the contrast in both color and stature effective and enjoyed working with such dramatic observational angles and the challenge of maintaining the illusion of perspective in the piece.